Some of our patients who present with a hernia on one side ask if we can repair the opposite side at the same time. Especially when we perform a laparoscopic hernia repair, the additional time and effort required to repair the opposite side is minimal. However, as with any procedure in medicine, there is always […]
Surgical Treatment Options for Inguinal Hernias – International Guidelines
In our last blog post discussing the International Guidelines for Groin Hernia Management, we reviewed how hernias are diagnosed and when patients should have surgery. Today I’d like to discuss what can help patients (and their surgeons) make the decision on what type of surgery to have for their hernia. The determinants for an optimal […]
How do we Treat Recurrent Inguinal Hernias?
Patients who have a hernia repair have about a 1-2% chance of the hernia coming back, or ‘recurring’. Recurrent hernias can pose a more difficult challenge since there has already been one surgery in the area, creating scar tissue. Often the first surgeon used a mesh so repeating the surgery a second time creates difficulty […]